
Diablo 4 Season 4 dragged me back despite the rampant overgrowth of currencies to keep track of

The number of currencies you’re expected to collect in modern games seems absurd, but never more so than when Diablo 4 gives them names like anguished goth poetry. To open your Tortured Gifts you need Aberrant Cinders, and while you’re hunting for those you should be looking out for Baneful Hearts, which can be used at Accursed Nests to summon a boss who can be killed to farm Exquisite Blood.

I made fun of this in a tweet where I invented a bunch of currencies in the same style, suggesting “future patches will let you foment Pain Shards by transmorphing Wound Imps into Malfeasance Tokens, instead of having to distress your own Affliction Coins.” I thought “Pain Shards” was a bit on the nose, then a subsequent update added a currency called “Shards of Agony” so actually I didn’t go far enough.

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