CurrenciesOTC foreign exchange turnover in April 20222 years ago1. BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey The BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey is the most comprehensive source of information on...
CurrenciesThe US dollar is decimating world currencies3 years agoAmericans traveling outside the US will find that they are about 14% richer than they were at the beginning of...
CurrenciesChanging the Top Global Currency Means Changing the Patterns of Global Trade3 years agoFew topics have generated as much discussion in recent weeks as the evolving role of the U.S. dollar in the...
CurrenciesThe Fed – The International Role of the U.S. Dollar3 years agoOctober 06, 2021 The International Role of the U.S. Dollar Carol Bertaut, Bastian von Beschwitz, Stephanie Curcuru1 An updated version...
CurrenciesWhy Asian currencies will keep going up15 years agoAsia is pulling away from the developed world. Over the past year, growth in emerging Asia has rebounded at double-digit...
CurrenciesThe U.S. Dollar’s Unofficial Status as World Currency18 years agoWhen you travel around the world, it's not uncommon to find that the United States dollar (USD) has become engrained...