Investing in CurrenciesArizona Advances Bill Allowing State To Invest up to 10% of Public Funds in Virtual Currencies19 hours ago
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Investing in CurrenciesHow the U.S. Dollar Became the World’s Reserve Currency8 years agoA world currency is any money that can freely be used or exchanged for another currency inside or outside the...
Investing in CurrenciesHow a Strong U.S. Dollar Can Hurt Emerging Markets8 years agoHow Can a Strong U.S. Dollar Hurt Emerging Nations? After years of keeping interest rates near zero, the U.S. Federal...
Investing in CurrenciesHow U.S. Stock Prices Correlate to the Value of the U.S. Dollar8 years agoAs the value of the U.S. dollar rises globally, the U.S. stock indexes tend to rise along with it. Over...
Investing in CurrenciesPros and Cons of the Euro8 years agoImportance of the Euro On Jan. 1, 1999, the European Union (EU) introduced its new currency, the euro. The euro...
Investing in CurrenciesHow Currency Works8 years agoWhether we pull out paper bills or swipe a credit card, most of the transactions we engage in daily use...
Investing in CurrenciesThe 5-Minute Chart Trading Strategy8 years agoSome currency traders are patient and wait for the perfect setup, while others need to see a move happen quickly,...
Investing in CurrenciesThe Impact of Currency Exchange Rates by BOP8 years agoA change in a country's balance of payments can cause fluctuations in the exchange rate between its currency and foreign...
Investing in CurrenciesWhy Interest Rates Matter for Forex Traders8 years agoInterest rate changes made by any of the world's most influential central banks can have a major impact on the...
Investing in CurrenciesWhat Every Forex Trader Needs To Know8 years agoForeign exchange, or forex, trading is an increasingly popular option for speculators. Ads boast of "commission-free" trading, 24-hour market access...
Investing in CurrenciesWhat Is Foreign Exchange? Factors That Affect The Value and Rates8 years agoForeign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country's currency into another. In a free economy, a country's currency...