UK PropertyUK National Crime Agency Officer Stole 50 Bitcoin (BTC) in 2017, Prosecutor Alleges3 hours ago
UK PropertyShortlist of Britain’s best property and construction talents unveiled | UK | News8 hours ago
UK PropertyJay Slater search latest – elite crime unit, house forensics and next steps9 months agoSpanish police have ended their search for Jay Slater in the mountains, but that's not the end of the investigation....
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UK PropertyPhil Spencer’s guide to landing your dream home (at a discount)9 months agoA good negotiation is a strategy game. Make sure you know ahead of time what your red lines are and...
UK PropertyUK house prices see slight uptick in june despite high mortgage costs9 months agoUK house prices experienced a modest rise in June, marking the second consecutive month of growth, according to high street...
UK PropertyExpert shares how often we should be washing denim to avoid ‘damage’9 months agoIt is something that we all have in our wardrobe so it is no wonder denim is a clothes staple....
UK PropertySharkNinja signs first lease at Battersea Power Station9 months agoBattersea Power Station has signed the first occupier at its Foster + Partners-designed 50 Electric Boulevard office building, with the...
UK PropertyTwickenham Green plans withdrawn – UK Property Forums9 months agoLondon Square and Assael Architects have withdrawn the proposals for the second phase of the Greggs Bakery Development. The proposal...
UK PropertyMilton Park marks the end of its wartime beginnings9 months agoMilton Park held a ceremony to say goodbye to its remaining wartime buildings. The last two single-story buildings at 57...
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