Aug 14 (Reuters) – The following table shows rates for Asian
currencies against the dollar at 0150 GMT.
Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 110.720 110.71 -0.01
Sing dlr 1.375 1.3756 +0.02
Taiwan dlr 30.805 30.812 +0.02
Korean won 1134.200 1133.9 -0.03
Baht 33.340 33.25 -0.27
Peso 53.480 53.37 -0.21
Rupiah 14619.000 14590 -0.20
Rupee 69.933 69.93 0.00
Ringgit 4.095 4.09 -0.12
Yuan 6.889 6.8900 +0.01
Change so far in 2018
Currency Latest bid End 2017 Pct Move
Japan yen 110.720 112.67 +1.76
Sing dlr 1.375 1.3373 -2.76
Taiwan dlr 30.805 29.848 -3.11
Korean won 1134.200 1070.50 -5.62
Baht 33.340 32.58 -2.28
Peso 53.480 49.93 -6.64
Rupiah 14619.000 13565 -7.21
Rupee 69.933 63.87 -8.67
Ringgit 4.095 4.0440 -1.25
Yuan 6.889 6.5069 -5.55
(Reporting by Chandini Monnappa in Bengaluru)