Aug 9 (Reuters) – The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0205 GMT. Currency Latest bid Previous Pct day Move Japan yen 147.030 147.28 +0.17 Sing dlr 1.325 1.3253 +0.03 Taiwan dlr 32.450 32.593 +0.44 Korean won 1374.700 1377.2 +0.18 Baht 35.180 35.24 +0.17 Peso 57.320 57.39 +0.12 Rupiah 15935.000 15890 -0.28 Rupee 83.963 83.9625 0.00 Ringgit 4.460 4.47 +0.22 Yuan 7.176 7.1753 -0.01 Change so far in 2024 Currency Latest bid End 2023 Pct Move Japan yen 147.030 141.060 -4.06 Sing dlr 1.325 1.319 -0.44 Taiwan dlr 32.450 30.735 -5.29 Korean won 1374.700 1288.000 -6.31 Baht 35.180 34.165 -2.89 Peso 57.320 55.388 -3.37 Rupiah 15935.000 15395.00 -3.39 0 Rupee 83.963 83.208 -0.90 Ringgit 4.460 4.590 +2.91 Yuan 7.176 7.098 -1.09 (Compiled by Adwitiya Srivastava in Bengaluru; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)