
From ‘Treas­ure Island’ to state of Rus­sia’s cur­rency

Accord­ing to your report “Rich coun­tries plan to buy more gold des­pite surge in prices to record levels” (June 19) it would seem advanced eco­nom­ies are now behav­ing much like Rus­sian aris­to­crats or Brit­ish buc­can­eers.

Bank­notes can be inflated by a crooked gov­ern­ment exactly as milk is diluted by a crooked milk­man. So in books by great Rus­sian authors only a thor­ough­bred race­horse is sold for gold or sil­ver roubles while a hack or jade (broken-down horse) is sold for cash.

As a Rus­sian, read­ing that our build­ers occa­sion­ally found coins hid­den while renov­at­ing old man­sions, I remem­ber the pir­ates in Robert Louis Steven­son’s Treas­ure Island whose loot was in “doub­loons and double guineas and moidores and sequins . . .”

If one wants undi­luted milk, buy­ing a cow and milk­ing it is the only pos­sible belt and braces approach.

And if a stable reserve cur­rency is what you want liv­ing in a huge coun­try mainly unchanged since the Pleis­to­cene, then extract­ing gold is the answer.

And that’s what Rus­sia is doing.

Mer­gen Mongush
Moscow, Rus­sia

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