[00:00:00.00] Three sketches show a man at a desk, a person giving a presentation, and a woman explaining a flow chart.
[00:00:05.48] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:00:05.76] Whether it’s accessing new markets, partnering with new suppliers and vendors, or providing local alternatives to paying and receiving, J.P. Morgan can give you the global access you need.
[00:00:17.17] A line of currency icons flies around the globe and over a city. Multiple sketches of people at work and in meetings and presentations pop up.
[00:00:24.95] Our Cross-currency Solutions deliver innovative technology that can help increase your operational efficiency, manage cross currency risk, support business growth, and deliver peace of mind. We have what you need to help you succeed.
[00:00:41.24] We are a global leader in digital treasury and payment solutions and have been recognized with multiple number one rankings.
[00:00:48.70] A flag flies atop a building. Text, #1 Digital capabilities. #1 Ease of doing business. #1 Quality of advice. #1 Innovation. #1 Cash management. #1 F.X. risk management. Ranked Number 1 Globally: Overall Digital Transformation Benchmarking Assessment, 2022. A set of currency icons spins and becomes a light bulb made out of puzzle pieces.
[00:01:13.65] Our full suite of cross-currency solutions complements your comprehensive treasury needs, helping you manage cash with ease and drive efficiencies across payments, receipts, and liquidity. We are continually investing and innovating in market leading technology, coupled with local and regional expertise so you don’t have to, making it easier for you and your customers to process payments in over 200 countries and territories, with the ability to pay in over 120 currencies and receive in more than 40, and utilize options to pay immediately and access live currency conversion rates.
[00:01:55.32] A smart phone app opens to a Make payment page with fields for the amount and reception currency. It shows the conversion. Cancel and Confirm Payment buttons are at the bottom.
[00:02:05.06] Our Cross-Currency Solutions exist in perfect harmony with your broader treasury objective, seamlessly integrating into a singular workflow for your cash and treasury operations teams.
[00:02:16.38] A circular chart includes Money transfers, Mobile payments, Fast payment options, Global transactions, Digital payments, Live rate conversion, Wires, and Foreign exchange.
[00:02:28.37] Spanning account and non-account based solutions, we can provide you the flexibility to manage funds in various currencies directly from one platform and one account.
[00:02:39.33] A laptop screen and smart phone display currencies for sending and receiving.
[00:02:43.74] Configurable user experiences and APIs allow you to quickly add cross-border payments to your online and mobile apps with access to virtual accounts, traditional physical accounts, and ever evolving cash management tools, you can help your customers get the best experience.
[00:03:02.42] Arrows run up to multiple smart phones displaying currency payments.
[00:03:05.93] J.P. Morgan’s Cross-Currency Solutions help businesses like yours achieve their goals so they can stay ahead of the competition and exceed customers’ expectations. Global solutions. Local expertise. Empowering you to thrive.
[00:03:23.13] The arrows flow past the smart phones and into sketches of banks. Text, J.P. Morgan Payments. A Q.R. code appears in the upper right. Text, Copyright 2023. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Member FDIC. Deposits held in non U.S. branches are not FDIC insured. All rights reserved. The statements herein are confidential and proprietary and not intended to be legally binding. Not all products and services are available in all geographical areas. Visit J.P. Morgan dot com slash disclosures slash payments for further disclosures and disclaimers related to this content. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of J.P. Morgan, its affiliates, or its employees. The information set forth herein has been obtained or derived from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the author nor J.P. Morgan makes any representations or warranties as to the information’s accuracy or completeness. The information herein has been provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, advice or recommendation, to make any investment decisions or purchase any financial instruments, and may not be construed as such. Future capabilities, timelines, and features are subject to change at the Bank’s sole discretion. Footnotes, 1. Greenwich Award 2022: 2022 Coalition Greenwich Digital Transformation Benchmarking. 2. Please note that currency footprint may vary by debit account branch location, subject to change. 22 Live F.X. R.T.P. Currencies, 3 Currencies in development for 2023, 9 additional currencies in 2024. 3. J.P. Morgan is a Member of the Board of Director for SWIFT, based on data obtained from SWIFT relating to their beneficiary locations. J.P. Morgan can support all SWIFT countries H.T.T.P.S. colon slash slash W.W.W. dot swift dot com slash, features and timelines are subject to change at J.P. Morgan’s sole discretion. 4, Updated April 2023: Global payments guide. H.T.T.P.S. colon slash slash W.W.W. dot J.P. Morgan dot com slash solutions slash treasury hyphen payments slash insights slash global hyphen payments hyphen guide.