The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the U.S. dollar at 0205 GMT.
Currency | Latest bid | Previous day | Pct Move |
Japan yen | 148.120 | 148.19 | +0.05 |
Sing dlr | 1.304 | 1.3037 | -0.02 |
Taiwan dlr | 32.175 | 32.22 | +0.14 |
Baht | 33.450 | 33.57 | +0.36 |
Peso | 57.040 | 56.829 | -0.37 |
Rupiah | 15610.000 | 15640 | +0.19 |
Rupee | 83.963 | 83.9625 | 0.00 |
Ringgit | 4.277 | 4.285 | +0.19 |
Yuan | 7.065 | 7.0648 | 0.00 |
Change so far in 2024 | |||
Currency | Latest bid | End 2023 | Pct Move |
Japan yen | 148.120 | 141.060 | -4.77 |
Sing dlr | 1.304 | 1.319 | +1.16 |
Taiwan dlr | 32.175 | 30.735 | -4.48 |
Korean won | 1346.000 | 1288.000 | -4.31 |
Baht | 33.450 | 34.165 | +2.14 |
Peso | 57.040 | 55.388 | -2.90 |
Rupiah | 15610.000 | 15395.000 | -1.38 |
Rupee | 83.963 | 83.208 | -0.90 |
Ringgit | 4.277 | 4.590 | +7.32 |
Yuan | 7.065 | 7.098 | +0.46 |
—Compiled by Sneha Kumar in Bengaluru; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu
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