digital currency: Why people should invest in digital currencies this year, explains crypto expert

Cryptocurrencies Vs Stock Markets
Cryptocurrency returns are much higher than stock markets. Cryptocurrency showed the top performing asset class of 2020-21 with 800% return whereas traditional stock markets showed returns of as low as 10% per year.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital tokens in the blockchain network. NFT markets are booming currently and all major celebrities and brand companies are interested in the same hence here are some tips for an easy NFT investing experience:
NFTs can be purchased from websites like,, Axie Marketplace and many others.
Ethereum is the most accepted crypto by NFT providers hence ETH purchase is a must which is available on cryptocurrency exchanges like Coindcx and Wazirx where one can purchase cryptocurrencies in exchange for their fiat currencies.
The value of an NFT is based on what someone is offering to pay for it. So, demand drives prices. Hence it is advised that one should do their own research before investing in such collectables.
An ICO (Initial Coin Offering or Token Sale) is a type of fundraising where in exchange for money (Bitcoin, Ethereum, or fiat currency) investors receive tokens (coins). Projects that launch an ICO promise an investor that tokens will have value and can be used after the ICO.
People can track upcoming ICOs using ICO Drops which is an independent database/site created that segregates ICOs into three useful lists active ICOs, Upcoming ICOs, and Ended ICOs for everyone who is interested in ICOs and wants to stay current on the topic.
Cryptocurrency investing has many features like P2P trade, yield farming, staking and lending, and mining. One should do their own research before investing in tokens, coins or NFTs. The first cryptocurrency- Bitcoin solved the problem of double spending, similarly other coins have a variety of use cases. People should research the token and coins before considering investing in the same.
“The future holds a lot of surprises but a little glimpse is in the form of cryptocurrencies and blockchains along with Metaverse and NFTs. Many countries are considering turning cryptocurrencies into legal tender or starting a central bank digital currency (CBDCs). Crypto debit cards and ATMs are also upcoming and being widely used in many parts of the world. The next big change in the world will be led by blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, and NFTs, Metaverse will have a major role to play,” shares Soomaney.