Upcoming InvestmentsJapanese money flows abroad via NISA investment program6 months agoOverseas stocks dominate the top 10 investment trust funds purchased under a new tax exemption program for small-lot investors in...
CurrenciesBOJ may have pumped 2 trillion yen in propping up currency7 months agoThe government and the Bank of Japan may have intervened in the foreign exchange market twice last week to support...
CurrenciesUnwinding of hugely popular currency trade rocks markets9 months agoLONDON--A sharp drop in Mexico’s currency after a landslide election result has shaken foreign exchange markets as far as Hungary...
CurrenciesExperts doubt rebound in yen, cite structure of Japan’s economy1 year agoThe yen has slightly appreciated on expectations of a shrinking gap in interest rates between Japan and the United States,...