UK Property‘Our landlord fitted a video doorbell to our house – he won’t let us see the footage’5 months agoDear Nikki,As a father of three daughters and a stepdaughter all of a similar age to you, I have to...
UK PropertyHow to spot property hotspots where experts are still buying5 months agoThere’s an overwhelming volume of data available one can analyse. My cheeky hack, knowing as I do that major retailers...
UK Property‘My neighbour wants to build a forge on their property – can I stop him?’7 months agoAlmost certainly there will have to be a planning application made for change of use for part of an otherwise...
UK Property‘I’m selling my UK home after 20 years abroad – do I have to pay capital gains tax?’7 months agoEmail your tax questions to Mike at: Mike,I enjoyed an illuminating hour reading your Q&A last month and it now seems...
UK Propertyhow to find the next big house price hotspot8 months agoSimilarly, you often find artists and creatives are fantastic at seeking out value, because they’re less constrained about things like...
UK PropertyPhil Spencer’s guide to landing your dream home (at a discount)9 months agoA good negotiation is a strategy game. Make sure you know ahead of time what your red lines are and...
UK PropertyDownsizing is exciting – here are the places I’d consider9 months agoYou might consider Uppingham, a market town, famed for the well-known private school. The honey-coloured buildings help to give the...
UK Property‘Our £1.5m dream home burned down – and our insurers laughed about it’10 months agoDear reader,These exceptionally rude Tesco Bank staff have been wondering how you can afford such an expensive home.Even though it...
UK Propertythe London postcodes where first-time buyers can steal a bargain11 months agoFrom my perspective, demand is looking likely to continue rising, meaning that less sought-out areas will become more desirable and...
UK PropertyDear Phil Spencer, is commuting to London from Devon a terrible idea?1 year agoIn his regular column, The Telegraph’s property expert Phil Spencer has provided advice on running buy-to-lets, how to boost your house price and the property...