UK PropertyLabour’s ‘irrational’ red tape crusade against landlords5 months agoIt would have cost the couple around £30,000 to upgrade their 200-year-old Devon cottage to meet green standards, an amount...
UK Property‘Being a landlord was so stressful I had a heart attack’5 months agoEventually, this had serious implications on his health.“One day I was trying to help an electrician, to keep costs down,...
UK PropertyHow buy-to-let is reaching its bitter end5 months ago“There is little doubt that measures such as the stamp duty surcharge, restricted relief for mortgage payments and higher exposure...
UK Property‘At 60 I’m having to work as a postman because my buy-to-lets are making a loss’5 months agoBut for Harrop, capital gains tax is only one part of the problem.He says: “I’m a business graduate, I’ve been...
UK PropertyHow to spot property hotspots where experts are still buying6 months agoThere’s an overwhelming volume of data available one can analyse. My cheeky hack, knowing as I do that major retailers...
UK Property‘Forget downsizing – I upsized to a four-bed £780k house in my seventies’6 months agoWhen his wife died, Michael Higgs, now 80, downsized from his main family home just outside Harpenden, where he’d lived...
UK Propertywhy the Church could build your property6 months agoBut some argue the Church should be protecting its green space. Last week, Chris Packham, a BBC presenter, accused the...
UK PropertyThe seaside town where Labour plans to build 1,300pc more homes7 months agoTristan Learoyd is a councillor in Marske, and one of the staunchest opponents of the development plans.Mr Learoyd says: “The...
UK PropertyEstate agents share their worst house selling mistakes – so you can avoid them7 months agoLiam Gretton runs Liam Gretton Estate Agents in the Wirral, but thought he was making a sensible decision using someone...
UK PropertyHow a tiny Derbyshire village became the UK’s unlikeliest property hotspot7 months ago“But if you are coming from London it doesn’t seem like that much,” says Jake Brooks, of Hunter French estate...