UK PropertyDad’s bid to rebuild ‘UK’s most expensive bungalow’ that cost £13.5m moves step closer as neighbours back plans8 months agoA DAD who plans to rebuild the 'UK's most expensive bungalow' - estimated to cost £13.5Million - could now see...
UK PropertyCommon plant that can cause damage to your property9 months agoThis evergreen plant, though beautiful, is in fact an invasive weed that can cause significant damage to your property and...
UK PropertyEight home features knocking between £5k and £56k off the property value12 months agoEIGHT common features around the home could actually be knocking money off its value.Halifax said house prices rose for a...
UK PropertyEight home features knocking between £5k and £56k off the property value – what to do instead12 months agoEIGHT common features around the home could actually be knocking money off its value.Halifax said house prices rose for a...
UK Property‘Stunning work’ people praise woman who took rundown council house & turned it into ‘gorgeous’ home in just eight weeks1 year agoA WOMAN has shared how she transformed her council house from rundown and bare to "beautiful" in just eight weeks....