CurrenciesIranian currency to world currency rates for June 1210 months agoCurrency Rial on June 12 Rial on June 11 1 US dollar USD 379,340 377,918 1 British pound GBP 482,589...
CurrenciesIranian currency to world currency rates for June 810 months agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, June 8. The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) put up an official exchange rate for foreign currencies on...
CurrenciesIranian currency rate to world currencies for April 412 months agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, April 4. The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) posted an official foreign currency rate on April 4, Trend...
CurrenciesIranian currency rate to world currencies for April 312 months agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, April 3. The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) posted an official foreign currency rate on April 3, Trend...
CurrenciesAzerbaijani currency to world currency rates for April 312 months agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, April 3. The official exchange rate of the US dollar and the euro against the Azerbaijani manat for...
CurrenciesIranian currency rate to world currencies for April 212 months agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, April 2. The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) posted an official foreign currency rate on April 2, Trend...
CurrenciesAzerbaijani currency to world currency rates for April 212 months agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, April 2. The official exchange rate of the US dollar and the euro against the Azerbaijani manat for...
Upcoming InvestmentsIEA’s Birol hopes to address issue of renewable financing at upcoming COP29 in Baku1 year agoBAKU, Azerbaijan, January 16. I hope the issue of financing clean energy sources in emerging and developing countries will be...