Wandsworth Planning Committee has unanimously approved upgrading the landscaping on the Alton Estate, Roehampton.
The proposal is for full planning permission for landscaping amendments, alterations to footpaths, replacement of the existing children’s play facilities, installation of seating and trim trail equipment, public realm alterations, erection of fencing and works to trees.
The planning application site is located within the Alton Estate, one of the largest Council housing estates in the country, which was constructed in the 1950s and comprises two parcels of land known as Downshire Field and the Alton Activity Centre. Both parcels of land are situated to the west of Roehampton Lane and the east of Danebury Avenue and are located to the northeast of the Richmond Park Golf course, beyond which lies Richmond Park (Grade l Registered Park and Garden covered by a MOL designation), the edge of which marks Wandsworth’s boundary with the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames.
Wandsworth Council is committed to investing in and improving the Alton Estate. Two developments were identified to support housing tenants and leaseholders. McKinney House, in Bessborough Road, was completed in September 2021 and provides ten council homes. A development at Fontley Way has commenced and is due to be completed in 2024, and it will deliver a further 14 council homes.
Significant investment is being made in developing and delivering a community engagement strategy. The aim is to provide a strong creative legacy for Alton through various arts, cultural, and environmental projects and by building upon the opportunities they create for residents. The activities and projects all focus on engaging and interesting local people for the long term, not just while regeneration is happening.
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