The application was for a site at The Limes in Plains Road and the building is described as being detached.
It is expected that the work will begin on Tuesday, February 25 and it will be completed by April.
According to a planning report the applicant submitted a Demolition Method Statement which provides details of the equipment to be used during the demolition works.
The planning report states: “Immediately prior to demolition, an assessment would be made of the structural integrity of the superstructure and unsafe elements would be collapsed by mechanical plant prior to works commencing by hand.
“A suitable means of protecting adjacent properties either side would be established and for preventing debris and dust from impacting them or causing nuisance.”
The report concludes: “The applicant has applied to the local planning authority for a determination as to whether the prior approval of the authority is required as to the method of demolition and restoration of the site.
“Having assessed the application and the information submitted with the application it is considered that the Local Planning Authority’s prior approval is required and it is recommended that prior approval be granted.”
And, according to the planning application, the building is being demolished so that a new outbuilding can replace it.