A scoping request has revealed details of a proposed 7,750-home garden near Colchester.
Latimer by Clarion Housing Group is currently working on a hybrid planning application to build the new garden community on 416 hectares between the A120 and the B1028, 4km east of Colchester.
The proposed development, called Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community, which has been in the pipeline for nearly a decade, is mostly within Tendring District Council with a section spilling over into the Colchester City boundary.
The scoping opinion request details what is proposed in the outline section.
It includes:
- Up to 6,923 homes
- Up to 2,000 rooms of student accommodation
- A hotel of up to 120 rooms
- A ‘knowledge gateway’ office and research campus
- Provision for health and wellbeing, retail, civic, community and cultural uses.
- Up to four primary schools and one secondary school
The outline proposal also includes a care home, a college, up to 24 hectares of sports and leisure facilities, a solar farm and a country park.
The detailed element of the application, which is still being worked on, currently envisages:
- Up to 827 homes
- Up to 1,000 sq m of small business accommodation
- A primary school with early years provision
There will also be a neighbourhood centre, events space and a country park.
A new electricity primary substation is proposed.
A report, set out by Stantec, states that site preparation and construction could begin as early as 2026 with completion in 2051.
The application can be seen at: https://www.colchester.gov.uk/planning-app-details/?id=98d8a58d-6a4b-ef11-bfe2-000d3ad8ca17#ValidationSummaryEntityFormView
The scheme’s own website is at: https://talk.tcbgardencommunity.co.uk/
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