After years of looking after international landlords in the UK Prop Home now welcomes UK Landlords to their National property management and lettings service.
— Paul Harrison
SHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, August 7, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Prop Home, the online property management and lettings agency of choice for Hong Kong based Landlords, has expanded its low-cost service to UK Landlords looking to reduce costs and save time and money.
Paul Harrison and David Wright, who collectively have over 40 years’ experience in the property management industry, recognise where landlords are losing out and are now offering their personal National portfolio management service to UK landlords.
Paul Harrison, CEO of Prop Home, explains: “We have been working closely with international landlords for many years and based on their feedback, have built from scratch a service which meets their needs exactly. Landlords are looking for a personal, responsive service backed by a sophisticated approach to IT. We also offer very competitive rates, as we want to make sure using our lettings services saves time and money to everyone from small portfolio landlords to those with large portfolios in the UK.”
David Wright, Chief Operating Officer of Prop Home, added: “What we are offering is a really flexible service where landlords have the option of accessing just one or two services if they just need a little extra help, right through to a fully managed service where we take care of everything. We keep our rates low as we don’t have expensive offices in city centre locations. Paul and I have built a dynamic team and they are strategically based around the UK to ensure we have elegant solutions for all our landlords. We are really excited about what this means for landlords across the UK and beyond.”
Paul Harrison is a property professional with over 30 years’ experience in Property Development and Management, Paul, who lives in Sheffield, has a wealth of international property management experience having travelled extensively in his work in Hong Kong and the Middle East, gaining experience working with international property investors who have UK property assets.
David Wright has over 15 years’ experience in sales, lettings, management, and surveying. After graduating from Sheffield Hallam University in Property Development he then trained to be a Chartered Surveyor, before starting his career in property management with Paul over a decade ago.
Paul and David have worked together to provide a truly honest and professional service to landlords. Combining integrity, experience and the latest technology they set out to make the life of landlords a little easier.
Prop Home’s portfolio management service is aimed at portfolio landlords and is very transparent, especially around fees. Paul’s experience of being a landlord and a property manager leads him to believe that the only way forward is transparency and honesty and for ‘hands off’ landlords this is essential when an agent is looking after every aspect of letting and managing a property portfolio for them.
Prop Home is a professional online lettings and property management agency providing a highly personalised and unique landlord experience; this includes everything from an initial free consultation through to full portfolio management. Specialising in Hong Kong based Landlords and now helping UK based portfolio landlords.
Switching to Prop Home could not be easier, we are on hand to walk you through the process and help make the transition smooth.
Who are Prop Home?
For more information, call 0345 86 86 868 or email info@prophome.co.uk or visit the website www.prophome.co.uk
Paul Harrison
Prop Home
+44 345 868 6868
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