Bexley is the most affordable place in London when it comes to local people being able to buy a house. The average property in Bexley was bought for £392,000 in the year to January, according to the latest data from the Land Registry.
Only Barking and Dagenham had a lower average sale price at £322,000. However, when you take local salaries into account, Bexley is more affordable.
The average full-time employee who lives in Bexley earns £43,362 a year. That means the average home in the area is 9.0 times greater than the average salary. That’s the lowest house price to income ratio of any London borough for which data is available.
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Barking and Dagenham is London’s next most affordable borough. Homes there were sold for an average of 9.3 times the local full-time average salary.
In Croydon, the average home sold for 9.5 times the average local salary, while in Havering they sold for 10.1 times the average salary, and in Newham for 10.4 times the average.
You can see how affordable homes are in your local area using our interactive map:
The average home in the UK was sold for £282,000 in the year to January. That’s compared to an average full-time salary of £34,963 a year. It means the average house costs 8.1 times the average salary in the UK.
Burnley is the most affordable local authority in the country, with the average home in the area costing 3.3 times the average salary. Kensington and Chelsea is the least affordable place to buy a home, with the average house costing 28.6 times the average salary.
That’s followed by Westminster (18.4 times the average), Camden (17.7), and Hammersmith and Fulham (16.1).
View the full table with London house prices below:
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