You’ve got a view to die for.’
It’s what people always say when visiting my coastal home, with its panoramic vista of the sea from the rugged Norfolk coastline.
But with storms getting more severe, the sea encroaching ever closer and with my home now less than five metres from the cliff edge, I often lie awake at night worrying if that might end up being terrifyingly accurate.
During the most recent storm, at the end of November, the sound of the waves thundering into the cliffs in the darkness made me think I was about to lose the home I’d bought only 14 years ago for £85,000.
As torrential rain and wind were pounding down, police officers and lifeboat crew knocked on the door and told me it wasn’t safe to stay in my house – the road along the clifftop was about to fall into the sea.
It was horrifying – I felt scared, anxious and angry all at the same time. My heart was racing and I was dreading what was to come.
I managed to get my car to safety in a car park about three-quarters of a mile away. But I had nowhere else to go.

Within a few hours, the road collapsed, completely cutting off vehicle access to my home, and around 30 others.
The landscape has changed so fast, due to climate change, rising sea levels, and severe storms, and my property is now worthless.
I moved to Hemsby 14 years ago at 56, from the nearby village of Martham, for what I thought would be a peaceful retirement on the Norfolk coast.
Before I bought the house, marine surveyors told me that it would be safe for about another 100 years
But it won’t even last another 100 days – I’ve been told by council officials that I must leave today because my house is unsafe and has to be demolished, potentially as early as this weekend.

I’m not alone – 17 homes on my road have collapsed into the sea or been demolished over the past decade, with my home and four others the next to be reduced to rubble.
I’ll be left homeless, and I’m devastated to lose everything I’ve worked so hard for all my life.
As a community, we’ve been fighting to save Hemsby, but there’s been next to no support from central or local government. We feel cut-off and isolated.
I’ve always known that I won’t get any compensation if my house is torn down.
As the storms have become stronger and more frequent, I started to worry. But there have always been surveys carried out for sea defences – which gave me a false sense of security that my house might be OK.

The government covers the cost of demolition, but that’s it.
After a bad storm in March, neighbours of mine were told their houses had to be demolished and they only had around six hours to remove all their possessions. It was shocking to see, and the way people are being treated is heartless.
As I’m packing up all my worldly possessions and getting ready to move into temporary accommodation – a one bed flat in a nearby village – I’ve been thinking about how shabbily this whole thing has been handled.
The first contact I had from our local council after the storm was a letter on Monday November 27, telling me that my home is at high risk of collapsing in further extreme weather.

It said to remove any septic tank contents, heating oil, gas canisters and fencing, because I would be liable for the costs of clearing up any damage and pollution.
What makes me so angry is that our community could have been saved. We were denied funding from the government for sea defences that could have given us another decade in our homes, maybe more. Instead, we’ve been living in fear, stress and anxiety.
My home and others like it haven’t been deemed worthy of saving, and our village and coastal community have been met with almost no meaningful support, and left thousands of pounds out of pocket.
Luckily, I don’t have a mortgage that I would still need to pay on my non-existent home, as I own the home outright, but I’ve still seen a huge investment washed away.
That’s why, alongside the environmental campaign group Friends of the Earth and other claimants, I’m taking legal action against the government for failing to protect people from the impacts of the climate crisis.
As I prepare to leave Hemsby, I’m trying to think of the positives, but it’s hard.

Living here, surrounded by sand dunes and sea birds, has given me so many happy memories.
But the reality of severe storms and erosion – all happening so much faster than forecast – have made looking out to the sea an unsettling reminder of what’s to come and what I’m set to lose.
About three years ago, I was on the cusp of selling the house for £130,000, but unfortunately it fell through at the last minute. I never thought it would go from a six-figure value to zero.
My home is the only asset I have, apart from a very small savings pot and state pension, and because of the imminent demolition, it’s now worthless.

The council has put me on their housing list, but I don’t know when I’ll have somewhere permanent to live and I don’t have any family to turn to.
Things are tough, but I want to continue speaking out about what’s happening in Hemsby and fighting for our community. People need to understand how unprepared we are in this country for what’s coming and the impacts of climate change that are already affecting us.
I may have lost my battle to stay in my home, but the war goes on.
My hope is that, even as my home is lost to the ravages of climate change, courts will force the government to make more ambitious and effective adaptation plans that better protect us all.
Wherever we live.
Kevin is a trustee of the Save Hemsby Coastline campaign.
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