The draft Local Plan for Surrey Heath for the period 2019 – 2038 has been published.
Surrey Heath Borough Council announced the publication of its Pre-Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19 stage) on Wednesday, August 7.
Cllr Alan Ashbery, Surrey Heath portfolio holder for homes, planning, and enforcement said: “I’m delighted to launch the publication of the Pre-Submission Local Plan, which promotes healthy, sustainable, and cohesive communities through good design and the delivery of robust infrastructure.
“After widespread consultation with residents, community organisations, infrastructure providers and many others, the new Local Plan aims to protect and enhance the valuable environmental and community assets within Surrey Heath.
“It will provide a framework for development in the borough up to 2038, and help ensure that residents have the homes, jobs, and infrastructure they need.
“Surrey Heath has long been recognised as one of the best places to live in the country, offering a fantastic environment and the opportunity for a great quality of life, and our Local Plan aims to ensure that this remains so.”
Development is focussed within settlement areas in the west of the borough.
In Camberley town centre, high-density development on key sites is planned to provide new homes and support regeneration.
Additionally, the plan will incorporate 16 strategic employment sites.
Representations can be made until September 20.
Visit the New Local Plan webpage
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