UK Property

Terms of merger to create one of UK’s biggest Reits agreed

The boards of two real estate investment trusts have agreed the terms of a proposed merger, which would create one of the UK’s biggest Reits.

The merger of Tritax Big Box Reit and UK Commercial Property Reit would create a £4.4bn Reit.

Under the terms, each Commercial Property shareholder would be entitled to receive 0.444 new Tritax Big Box shares for each share they already have.

A note from analysts at Peel Hunt described the proposal as a good deal for Commercial Property shareholders but said it was unlikely to be a ‘game changer’ for Tritax shareholders.  

However, the analysts claim not everyone is on board with the merger. 

Margaret Littlejohns, senior independent director of UK Commercial Property said: “The UKCM recommending directors believe this transaction allows all UKCM shareholders to benefit from continued investment in a Reit, but with significantly larger scale and improved share liquidity, as well as addressing the factors we believe have contributed to the persistent discount at which UKCM’s shares have traded for many years.

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