Members of the National Residential Landlords Association can now use Title Guardian’s anti-fraud, digital monitoring tool, after a partnership was established between the two groups.
This collaboration will provide landlords with advanced tools to combat the rising threat of property fraud, including unauthorised sub-letting, properties that are illegally used as business addresses, and title fraud.
Title Guardian launched in Q4 2023, while users consist of homeowners, landlords, law firms, and property providers.
John Daw, chief executive of Title Guardian, said: “Landlords can be at a higher risk of fraudulent threats. They aren’t at their properties, so can be vulnerable to property and identity mis-use and unauthorised sub-letting.
“The NRLA is at the heart of the landlord community, providing invaluable advice and services for its members: property providers who deliver vital infrastructure for the UK economy.
“We’re delighted to be part of their member ecosystem. This partnership not only endorses Title Guardian but also sends a powerful message to the property industry that proactively tackling this issue is of utmost importance. We look forward to welcoming NRLA members as Title Guardian customers, allowing us to protect their portfolios and contribute to a more secure property market.”
Following the linkup NRLA members can get a discount on rental properties registered on their platform – a landlord’s first rental property can be registered for free, the second and third registered properties will receive a 40% discount upon registration.
Ben Beadle, chief executive at the NRLA, said: “This partnership provides our members with important protections against fraud at a time when, unfortunately, crimes of this nature are becoming more common across the private rented sector.
“With Title Guardian already regarded across the market as the leading provider of this kind of support, we are delighted to be extending this valuable service to our growing membership base.”