Gavin said people forgot to include professionals in the conversation around housing.
He rents in Cardiff with his partner, 49, and said saving for a deposit big enough was a massive hurdle.
He earns over £45,000 working in cyber security and, while his partner is currently off work for their health, he said he could pay a mortgage easily as he pays £1,000 in rent.
“We’re in this limbo as a lot of people are,” he said. “We just want the security, just knowing that this is your house and no-one can take it away from me.”
When he was made redundant in 2021, he and his partner decided they did not want the money to sit in savings for years, so looked at their options and decided to buy a caravan.
“We just wanted to own something,” said Gavin, who worried it would drip feed into daily life if left in savings for a long period of time.
“If it all went wrong we can just grab our animals and go there.”
He said he and his partner will look to move out of Cardiff at some point so they can save more towards home-owning, but he worries as he gets older that a mortgage was looking more unlikely.
He said young people however have a tough future ahead of them.
“I’m not expecting a magic wand if we get a new government in, but I’m hoping that some changes hopefully will come,” he said.