Social housing tenants will receive a fairer and better service from their housing provider, under new plans unveiled by the Government today.
Through new standards set by Government, providers will need to arm their staff with the skills, experience and knowledge to deliver the excellent service that tenants want and deserve.
This comes after a recent survey of social housing residents showed that a quarter were not satisfied that their landlord listens to their views and acts upon them, while a third of the Severe Maladministration findings from the Ombudsman related to poor complaint handling from landlords.
Unacceptable behaviour will be rooted out as part of a cultural overhaul, with social landlords instructed to adopt strict code of conducts that set out how all staff should perform and act towards tenants.
Minister for Social Housing, Baroness Scott said:
Time and again we have seen tenants ignored, dismissed or not taken seriously. Our new competence and conduct standard sends a clear message to social landlords to treat tenants with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Our landmark Social Housing Act is introducing life-changing reforms – giving tenants a louder voice to challenge their landlord and this will allow us to go further, making sure staff are properly trained and qualified to deliver homes that are safe, warm and decent.
Evidence heard at the Grenfell Tower Inquiry exposed the concerning truth that residents did not always receive an acceptable service and were often treated with a lack of respect by members of staff.
Work to address these grievances is already underway as senior managers and executives will have their skills scrutinised closely under stricter measures and they must work towards required qualifications, with all existing staff enrolled within two years under proposed new timescales.
This could include a Chartered Institute of Housing Level 4 certificate, a Level 5 Housing Diploma or in some cases a foundation degree in housing studies.
Gavin Smart, CEO Chartered Institute of Housing said:
We welcome the government’s support for professionalism in the sector, with a focus on competency and conduct, including mandating qualifications for key senior roles. Qualifications are an effective way of ensuring professionals have the required knowledge and skills. But professionalism is more than a qualification; it’s about following a code of conduct and ethics, and displaying the right behaviours, attitudes, and empathy.
The Social Housing (Regulation) Act is now law, meaning the Regulator of Social Housing will have greater authority to undertake more vigorous inspections of providers, and those failing to comply could lose out on future funding under the Affordable Homes Programme.
As part of wider reforms in response to the tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak, Awaab’s Law will set strict time limits for landlords and force them to quickly fix dangerous, including damp and mould, identified in people’s homes – with emergency hazards to be repaired within 24 hours.
But the Government recognises there is more to do to improve quality social housing. That is why the Social Housing Quality Resident Panel will be extended to April 2025, bringing together around 250 residents to represent tenants’ views on forthcoming reforms.
A new competence and conduct standard is the latest step in addressing systemic issues identified following the Grenfell Tower fire – not just the safety and quality of social housing but how tenants are treated by their landlords.