Woman who went viral for climbing into her house through a window admits she urinated on herself while hanging upside down

A woman who went viral after an unfortunate video of herself hanging upside down outside her house – and exposing her breasts – has revealed herself.
In June, Lisa Rowland became stuck, and while hanging upside down, her breasts fell out – as her sister stood watching in fits of laughter.
The woman, from the UK, has now revealed she accidentally urinated on herself while trying to break into the house.
‘I weed on my neck, yeah,’ she told presenters Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary.
The comical clip has garnered over 20 million views, having done the rounds on Twitter and Reddit.
Appearing on This Morning alongside her sister, also called Lisa, the mother explained that the event took place on an average day in June – she had completed the school run and taken the dog to the vet.
However, while shopping for groceries, Lisa suddenly felt the urge to go to the bathroom.
It wasn’t until she rushed back home that she realised her keys had been left inside.
Lisa spotted an opportunity to gain access through a downstairs window that was open – and asked her sister to give her a boost.
But while she was hanging upside down, she became stuck and her breasts fell out – as her sister stood watching in fits of laughter.
‘Was there a moment when you thought I can’t, there’s nothing I can help with here, this has gone a little bit more south than I thought?’ asked Dermot.
‘When the left one came out,’ Lisa replied.
‘I tried to put it back in, I really tried, but then they both [fell out].
‘Then I let go of everything.’
‘When you say you let go of everything, you actually did,’ added Alison.
‘You actually wet yourself, didn’t you?’
‘I weed on my neck, yeah,’ Lisa admitted.
‘You’re in that precarious position, you can’t move your foot,’ said Alison.
‘I’m hanging like a bat, I’m stuck,’ explained Lisa.
‘Until she came out the house and she was like it’s gone down my neck,’ Lisa’s sister added.
Alison asked how Lisa felt about the video going viral.
Lisa admitted she wasn’t even aware it was online – a friend told her she was ‘all over Facebook’ as the clip had been shared by someone called Ruth, living in Northern Ireland.
Lisa said she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
‘Have you got through the fact that 20 million people have seen your norks?,’ asked Alison.
‘I think when I saw the amount of positive comments,’ Lisa said while nodding.
‘I think because you remind us of ourselves, how we all look, do you know what I mean?,’ added Alison.
‘The laughter, I love a bit of laughter, you know,’ Lisa responded.
‘Cheers Ruth in Northern Ireland, whoever you are.
‘We’ve had a good day out.’
Lisa now wears her house keys on a chain around her neck and said ‘they don’t leave me anymore’.
‘Honestly, it’s the funniest video,’ said Alison.
‘Was there a point when you were actually panicking?’
‘Yeah, when I fell to the ground and I was covered in urine,’ Lisa answered.
‘You were like I don’t need the toilet any more,’ joked Alison.
‘Lisas, you have given everyone so much joy,’ exclaimed Dermot.
‘I love laughter, if it’s laughter, it’s all good,’ Lisa admitted.
‘The world would be wasted without laughter,’ added Alison.