G.O.B. to Announce Greater Investments in Sports for New Fiscal Year
In January, we showed you the deplorable state of the Marion Jones Sporting Complex’s race track. And the Marion Jones Sporting Complex is not the only sporting facility that is in dire need of upgrades. Across the country, athletes are subjected to training and competing in less than optimal sporting facilities. To the National Sports Council’s credit, we have been sent photos and videos of ongoing repairs to the Russell Chiste Garcia Auditorium and Carl Ramos Stadium in Dangriga. But Minister of Sports Rodwell Ferguson agrees that greater investments are needed. This morning, during his appearance on Open Your Eyes, Minister Ferguson noted some changes to the government’s sports strategy and budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Sports
“As the Minister of Sports, about a month ago, I took a comprehensive document to Cabinet that involved the entire country in terms of facilities and how we can support sports. Cabinet looked at it very fruitful and the prime minister appointed a subcommittee headed by myself, includes Minister Coye, Minister Mahler and Minister Fonseca. We hope to announce to announce to the nation at the budget presentation debate what we are going to do to upgrade our facilities across the country. Beside that I like to be innovative and I came up with an idea for an application to raise money through the app for sports, both nationally and in the Diaspora and the app should be launched sometime in April. We are asking a minimum of a dollar a month. If every month a one hundred thousand people give a dollar that is a hundred thousand locally. And if a hundred thousand give a dollar in the U.S that is two hundred thousand for us because it doubles. I strongly believe the app will work because there are many Americans and organizations in the states that are Belizean led who wants to contribute. But, they want to make sure their money is being spent wisely. So we are committing to them that they are going to get a monthly report of the revenue and expenditure.”