Like any smartphone junky, the moment my plane touched down in Jakarta, Indonesia, I immediately turned on my phone to get to work.
I skipped my inbox completely; Gmail tends to eat a lot of data when it syncs, and besides, nothing there was really time-sensitive or important. Whatever was there could wait.
Instead, I went straight to my Line chat app to coordinate my upcoming meeting in downtown Jakarta. Traffic was definitely going to be a pain. As I began to walk towards immigration, I turned to WeChat to follow up on a burning question about a planned business trip to China. As I walked towards the Blue Bird taxi stand, I previewed some new Facebook friend requests from business colleagues I had just met in Tokyo, including a polite message from another Japanese investor discussing the status of a company he had referred to me earlier. And as I finally settled into my taxi, I busily ran through about a dozen open WhatsApp conversations, including a Golden Gate Ventures’ group chat about upcoming investments, another on co-investment opportunities with a local Indonesian fund, and at least three conversations with founders from our portfolio.
So, I guess it’s more accurate to say: like any smartphone junky, the moment my plane landed I immediately turned on my messaging apps to get to work.
Asia loves chatting. This is largely due to the prevalence of social media. And when we look at Southeast Asia specifically, mass internet adoption has only only been a recent trend, which means the desktop was completely skipped over for mobile.
Why does that matter? Because two of the top three social apps in every one of these countries are messaging-first platforms, like WeChat, LINE, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Unlike other regions, such as Europe or the United States, where chat and in-app messaging are often seen as a natural extension to social networks, in Asia, the reverse is more common: messaging apps are the utilities whence social networks emerge from. Snapchat is the first to buck this trend in the U.S.
As a result, Asian consumers tend to “live” on their messaging apps much more than their non-Asian counterparts. This helps explain why consumer-oriented brands, goods and services are far more pervasive on mobile messaging apps here than elsewhere: it’s not unusual to see Chinese booking a cab on WeChat, Indonesians speaking to the customer support of their favorite airline through Line, Vietnamese following up on their most recent food delivery on Facebook Messenger, or Filipinos coordinating a seller meet-up via WhatsApp. Some companies even build in-chat apps that integrate with WeChat or Messenger in lieu of their own applications, further blurring the lines between a messaging app and a fully-fledged consumer platform — and completely flipping the standard product roadmap on its head.
Indeed, WeChat is perhaps the best example of this. The Chinese messaging monopoly is far more than just a communication tool: users can use it to send and receive money, shop at their favorite store, book restaurants, order taxis, even arrange a vacation — all from the app.
Interestingly, the ubiquity of messaging apps has changed business communication as well, and I don’t just mean internal company communication. Slack, Microsoft Teams and Facebook Workplace have shown that there is a tremendous market opportunity in disrupting email and making business communication more responsive, dynamic, and contextual. But those are usually reserved for intra-company communication, e.g. communication between employees working in the same company.
That’s where Southeast Asia’s messaging apps shine.
Business communication through apps that might be construed as inefficient, superficial or even inappropriate in Europe or the United States, are far more commonplace in Asia. In the former, where email and phone calls are still considered the norm in formal and semi-formal business settings, in the latter, relying on WhatsApp, Line, Messenger and WeChat is not only suitable, it’s preferred.
Given the region’s meteoric growth in smartphone adoption and engagement, the ubiquity of messaging apps, and pre-existing consumer behaviour around mobile chat, it’s not unusual to see people using these apps not just to chat with friends and family, but to schedule work meetings, speak to potential leads or clients; or like me, manage investments and coordinate with other investors. WhatsApp, Line, WeChat and Facebook Messenger have become the new platforms for business communication in Asia in a way that email and phone calls could not.
In Japan, professionals often prefer Facebook Messenger over LinkedIn for business communication and networking. Tokyo-headquartered LINE has pushed aggressively into the business chat and application space, rolling out in-app features like loyalty cards, coupons and mobile stores. In China, WeChat has developed an entire ecosystem of business-oriented tools that allows workers to complete tasks, some as obscure as taking inventory or filing employee reimbursements, entirely in-app.
These apps were initially conceived to be sticky to consumers. Now their creators are making them sticky to businesses as well , and the end result are platforms that encompass not only all personal communication, but professional communication too. Why rely on email and phone calls for work when messaging apps are far more commonplace — and make the job easier, to boot?
Asia is a uniquely heterogenous market, with different cultures, languages and consumer behaviors. But one of the few common threads tying this region together are the sheer omnipresence of smartphones and messaging apps. It’s a fascinating phenomenon, and one that will continue to percolate as more and more consumers transition from feature phones to more advanced devices.
That being said, one thing still hasn’t changed, and for that I’m profoundly relieved: I didn’t have to write this entire column on my phone.
With contributions from Justin Hall.