USA Property

Median home size in the U.S. 2000-2022

The average single-family house in the United States has overall increased in size since 2000. It reached its peak of 2,467 square feet in 2015 before falling to 2,299 square feet by 2022. 

Single-family house

A single family home is defined as a dwelling designed to house a single family only. This means there are no common walls with other dwellings, the house has been built on its own parcel of land, and that it has its own private entry and exit to a street or thoroughfare. This definition excludes apartments, which are significantly smaller, and have actually been reducing in size over the same time period.

Housing in the U.S.

In 2022, there were over 85 million owner-occupied and 44 million renter occupied housing units in the United States. Single-family homes are by far the most common type of residential property purchased in the United States.

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