Matthew A Tunstall etux Katelon Tunstall to Edward Michael Childs etux Margaret Borders Childs, 6 Pine Hill Cove, $335,000
K&L Properties to Greystone Builders LLC, 42 Rockford Drive, $61,500
Hills Construction Company Inc. to Blake Newbill, 32 Breezy Meadow Drive, $422,900
Jeff Ball etux Courtney Ball to Neil Patel TR etal Tina Patel TR T&N Family Trust, Country Club Lane, $455,000
Hills Construction Company Inc. to Charles G Rainey etal Candace N Nolen, 59 Ashland Drive, $297,900
K&L Properties to Greystone Builders LLC, 36 Rockford Drive, $61,500
K&L Properties to Greystone Builders LLC, 53 Rockford Drive, $61,500
Melvin Lewis etal Karen Moloney to Rohan Williams etal Shirley Foster, 15 Deer Creek Cove, $350,000
Betty Ruth Smith to Conrad Carter etux Christina Carter, 149 Shadowlawn Drive, $70,000
Allen Cavender to John Goschke II, 56 Barkwood Cove, $305,000
PAGE 4 – Property transfers CLICK HERE