PAGE 4 – Property transfers
Trace Partners to Hills Construction Company Inc., 112 Ashland Drive, $45,000
Trace Partners to Hills Construction Company Inc., 106 Ashland Drive, $45,000
Robert Reynolds to Linda Ortiz, 9 Barbet Cove, $65,000
Tommy A Cantrell etux Tommy F Cantrell Lynn Cantrell to Eric Bynum, no address listed, $100,000
Local Property Company LLC to Jon Murray Halton etal Bartley Haltom, 213 Fairmont Avenue, $40,000
Matthew W Johnson etal Ronnie W Johnson to BMJ Holdings, 222 West Baltimore Street, $200,000
MJM Investments to Jon Murray Haltom etal Micah Blount Zach Jaworski, 203 South Shannon Street, $25,000
Harris Rental Homes LLC to Charles Northcross, 22 Bryant Street, $25,000
Carolyn Diane Jones to Stevens King, 160 Ridgemont Drive, $185,000
Josh Hazlewood to ETC Investments, 224 West Grand Avenue, $58,000
Russell T Milton to Crystal Hodgson etvir Danner Hodgson, 781 Rushmeade Road, $170,000
Sunshine Investment Group LLC to Hollman Builders LLC, 24 Grande Pines Cove, $50,000
Sunshine Investment Group LLC to Hollman Builders LLC, 29 Grande Pines Cove, $50,000
Marnie Kristen Belfor TR etal Lawrence Burns Irrevocable Trust Joyce Burns Irrevocable Trust to Mark Pierce etal Angela Krall, 99 Copper Ridge Cove, $315,000
PAGE 1 – Property transfers : https://wnws.com/page-1-jackson-madison-county-property-transfers-73/