Rick Becker, chairman of End Unfair Property Tax, announces bid for North Dakota’s U.S. House seat – Grand Forks Herald

GRAND FORKS — Former North Dakota State Rep. and chairman of End Unfair Property Tax Rick Becker has announced his bid for North Dakota’s sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Becker represented Bismarck in the North Dakota House of Representatives from 2012 to 2022. He was a leading conservative voice in the state Legislature when he served. He’s also a plastic surgeon and businessman.
Becker said in his announcement that Congress hasn’t done enough to cut spending and address domestic issues.
“Washington D.C. is packed with corrupt politicians more concerned with funding foreign conflicts than addressing the issues we face here at home,” Becker said in the announcement. “I will fight to end Washington’s reckless spending spree, stop all funding of radical, woke ideology and make America first again.”
Becker has been a leading proponent of ending local property taxes throughout the state. In his proposal, which is currently garnering signatures to be put on the ballot this November, local governments like cities and counties would no longer be able to levy property taxes based on property value. Under the proposed amendment to the North Dakota Constitution, local governments would instead be compensated with the same amount they would have collected with money from the state.
In his announcement, Becker also criticized the Biden administration and House Republicans for not acting against him.
“The Biden administration is crushing North Dakota’s middle class through skyrocketing inflation,” Becker said. “The failure to declare an illegal invasion at the border and take immediate action is grounds for impeachment alone, but the current House Republicans refuse to act.”
Becker is running against Democratic candidate Trygve Hammer. Incumbent Rep. Kelly Armstrong has not announced yet whether he intends to run for reelection.
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